About YEGO
In which cities is YEGO available?

You can currently find YEGO in:



and we hope to be in many other cities soon.

Where can I find your Terms and Conditions?

- App: Go to the Help Center by tapping on the chat icon at the top right of the map. You’ll find our Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the Help Centre.

- Website: You’ll find our Terms and Conditions at the bottom of the homepage, under the “YEGO” section.

Where can I find your Privacy Policy?

- App: Go to the Help Center by tapping on the chat icon at the top right of the map. You’ll find our Privacy Policy at the bottom of the Help Centre.

- Website: You’ll find our Privacy Policy at the bottom of the homepage, under the “YEGO” section.

How can I contact YEGO?

You can contact us via chat or by email (at [email protected]).

Until what time is YEGO chat available?

Our chat is available 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

How can I file a complaint and/or claim?

It is as simple as sending us your complaint and/or claim through any of the channels referred
to in Section of the Terms and Conditions of Service (to easily locate the Terms and
Conditions of Service see FAQ Where can I find your Terms and Conditions?).

This means that you can send your complaint and/or claim directly to the Customer Service
chat accessible within the YEGO application; by email to [email protected]; or by post or
certified fax to the registered office of the entity providing the service (the address of the
registered office appears in the heading of the Terms and Conditions of Service).

If your complaint and/or claim refers to an incident in Spain, here you will find the official
Complaints Forms made available by the different Autonomous Communities: Catalonia (click
here), Valencia (click here), and Andalusia (click here). You can use any of these forms to file
your complaint and/or claim.

You can also go directly to the website www.consumoresponde.es, where you can complete
online and download the completed complaint and claims form for the Autonomous
Community of Andalusia, as well as for more information use the following email and free
phone number: [email protected] / +34 900 21 50 80.

How can I work at YEGO?

If you would like to join our team, take a look at our job openings:
